Create content for and maintain the NC State ISE Department main website and all sub-sites. 

Constantly improve and use web development, graphic design, and content creation skills to keep all pages and websites up to date. Focus on improve the sites SEO and accessibility. 

Web Developer
Graphic Designer
NC State Industrial and Systems Engineering Website

NC State Industrial and Systems Engineering Website

Website Accessibility
How can we design our website for all users?
In four weeks, we converted the ISE departmental website to be fully accessible and inclusive. This included simplifying content to meet readability standards, converting PDFs to be screen reader friendly, and updating navigation for low vision users to easily use webpages to achieve accessibility compliant (AC) standards.
ISE Department Accessibility Issues Page

ISE Department Accessibility Issues Page

ISE Departmental Website Issues Over Time

ISE Departmental Website Issues Over Time

We reduced accessibility errors by 99.78%, and as a result, our department placed first for NC State’s 2020 Web Accessibility Challenge in category 2, 501-1000 page websites. I also won a Spring 2020 Accessibility Champion competition award.

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